Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2014 or 1955: Which Would You Choose?

On Sunday I had the pleasure of being a panelist for a discussion of a wonderful play (Maple and Vine) at CoHo Theater in NW Portland.  I was asked to participate as an historian of the family.

Most intellectuals and liberals write the 1950s off as a time of mindless conformity.  Maple and Vine argues that the era just might have provided a sense of authenticity, structure, and meaning often lacking in modern life, that, in a sense, less could be more, that fewer choices and less fussing about happiness might make a person, well, happier!

Of course the play, like reality, is more complicated than that, and like any good piece of art or history the production raises more questions than it answers, suggests more lines of interpretation than it closes off.  I enjoyed it very much and recommend it highly.  There are still a few shows.

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