which turned into a two-to-three hour detour, got settled in very late. Then the ten-minute drive to ECG School in Tamale turned into a forty-minute drive, as I couldn't remember how to get there.
Ghana! in their school. Elizabeth in fact remarked that this was perhaps the most confident group of students we had encountered so far, certainly a testament to the fine education they receive. ECG Tamale is one the least expensive and most respected private schools in Tamale, and Yo Ghana! is thrilled that are able to support them in a small way by
supplementing their scholarship fund for students from families that are struggling financially.
Reflection: Our board is struggling with the question of whether or not and how to expand Yo Ghana! I enjoy working with a number of schools small enough that I can personally visit each classroom once a year. In Ghana, schools usually have several grade levels participate, so some of the students and I remember each other. In one school, some children now entering fourth grade remember seeing me come to the school when they were in kindergarten. But as more and more schools are interested in joining us, do we turn them away because we do not want to get too large? If we we are doing a good thing with thirty-six schools, could we do a good thing with one hundred? I guess it is the same question that many schools struggle with.
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