Monday, October 15, 2012

Question for Students at KNUST and PSU

When did you start learning about the history of slavery in school, and how do you think it has affected the development of West Africa and North America? As you post, be sure to remember that this is a sensitive subject for many people, so it's important to be respectful toward those with different opinions than your own.  Please contact me at if you have any concerns or problems.

1 comment:

  1. I know I first learned about slavery in elementary school but I'm not sure exactly what grade I was in when I first learned about it. (I believe I was probably in 3rd or 4th grade) I believe that slavery had a huge impact on the development of North America in several ways. Slavery allowed for economic growth in the South, was a contributing factor of the Civil War, and helped make this country more diverse. Sadly I am less aware of the impact slavery had on West Africa. It seems like when I learned about slavery in school the teachers didn't focus on the impact it had on the people of West Africa. I would assume that slavery disrupted families and probably led to violence among different groups in Africa. I believe it might have led to violence because I know that during the time of slavery there were African people who would sell other African people into slavery.

    Constance Nysten
