Thursday, December 19, 2013

Overlooked Heroes

As the director/go-fer of Yo Ghana! I spend a fair bit of time visiting schools here in Oregon, including some schools for children who have not succeeded in conventional classrooms.  In fact, just a few days ago I was at such a school.

I am almost always deeply impressed by the dedication of the staff who work at these schools.  These are teachers and administrators who work with very challenging students who often have poor impulse control and other behavior issues.  Yet I'm continually struck by how deeply the staff care for their students--and even a visitor can see that the students apprehend and appreciate this.

These jobs aren't glamorous or high paying.  The people in them are seldom featured in the media.  Few of us notice their work.  But in working with and cherishing students who have experienced a lot of failure and often trauma, they serve and--if we care to notice--inspire us all.

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