Friday, March 13, 2015

Balancing Individual Freedom and Collective Responsibility

I just finished reading a set of posts from my students in courses on the history of the U.S. family on the tensions between individual freedom and collective responsibilities.  One of the great parts of teaching at PSU is that the students have such varied backgrounds in terms of ethnicity, age, gender, and life circumstances.  Many of them, particularly the women, speak of balancing family and school, are coming back to school after being away for some time and find themselves balancing their personal interests and making a good living for their families.

The title of my own book on the history of the family is subtitled From Obligation to Freedom, and in it I suggest that we have moved too far toward freedom and away from obligation  But my students remind me, often by example, that in fact most people remain deeply committed to their families, much more so than popular culture suggests.  They also remind me that although most women remain focused on their families, that a healthy dose of individualism can make one a better life partner and parent and friend.

For myself, raised to focus on individual achievement, surrendering a goodly chunk of my personal freedom for the well being of others has been a great--if at times terrifying--blessing.  For others, raised to always defer personal goals, a focus on their own dreams can enrich not only their lives, but the lives of those whom they love.

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