Monday, August 18, 2014

David on The Learning Channel Wednesday Night

I'll be one of the historians interviewing Kelsey Grammer on the Learning Channel's "Who Do You Think You Are" show this coming Wednesday night at 9:00.  And then there are bound to be many re-runs.

I hadn't met a celebrity before, let alone sat down and talked with one about her or his ancestors and how to make sense of their lives, so it was very interesting.

And I had the pleasure of honoring Rick Harmon, a dear friend who passed away much too young, by telling Mr. Grammer how much Rick loved his work.  Rick was the long-time editor of the Oregon Historical Quarterly and a loyal and valuable ally to most anyone in the field.  Rick loved the characters that Kelsey Grammer played, men much like himself--smart and often melancholy, but determined to make a contribution in a world that often didn't seem to make sense.

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